Friday, February 3, 2012

The Virgin Post

It's never easy giving up what everyone tells you it's a 'need' in life for something you 'want'. There're bound to be uncertainties, risk, difficulties, challenges but you know you gotta held responsible for whatever that's coming your way the day you decided on this path. Even if it means 'failure'. Something i wish (and i pray every single day) that I'll never have to befriend with one day...

"Are you sure you're gonna do this?! You got money meh?"
"What?! You quit?! Huh, again???"
"I really envy and admire your courage lor! Really! I wish i have the courage too! I hate my job!!"
"So happy for you! I'll definitely support you!"

Above are some comments (that i could still rmb) i received from close friends and family around me when they know my decision to start up TLC! All i can say is, "Life is short, want to do it, just do la"

I know it's not gonna be easy AT ALL. But i'm ready to take the risk for something i love doing. And true enough, initial stage IS tough. But as the saying goes - When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I strongly believe perseverance is the key to every success. I do admit i'm never a successful person in my past 20years of life, not even close. 三分鐘熱度, 半途而廢 totally describes me. But i'm not proud of it la of coz. I really hope things will work out well this time round, and i'm gonna trust everything to God while working hard on my part! ;)


TLC is 3months old already! I have so so so much things i wish to do and improve but it definitely takes time and.. $$. Self-manufactured clothings, new website, weekly launches, own labels, warehouse, new studio blah blah blah.. Well, very soon, i just have to keep believing. It's gonna happen very soon. :) I'm told to stay positive in everything. even though i'm never one to begin with. haha.. :P

Good night all! Remember to check out! We've just launched a new collection today! And will be launching the next probably in 3rd week of Feb! ;)

Ending my virgin post of this blog with a pic taken by DD which i really like! I dunno why, but i find coins are very inspiring. coz i felt it is alot of hardwork saving up these amount of $1 coins over years. I've tried many times but always failed halfway!! maybe only survived like max 1 month then i will spent it all. hahaha.. ok la maybe it's not that difficult for most of you. only for me. :(

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