Monday, February 6, 2012


My TLC website provider - YOC, had been giving me TONS of headaches ever since my first month with them! Bandwidth prob, website maintenance extended without informing us, purchased independent bandwidth with them and STILL encounter issues blah blah blah... I think i've dropped them SO many emails that they've already listed me in their 'hate-list' customers. BUT I SERIOUSLY DON'T CARE OK! I'm super pissed everytime coz they are not very prompt in replying emails and they didn't leave ANY contact no. in their website. very smart. Until the maintenance incident 1 day i dropped them a super long email on my unhappiness with them then finally one of the guy replied with his HP no.

Just ytd i encountered prob with my website again. By right i'm already holding the independent bandwidth and visitors shouldn't have prob entering my website as long as bandwidth limit not hit. but when i tried entering it says STORE IS OVERCROWDED! at first i still tot WAH sooo many ppl visiting my page?! (coz it needs like thousands near million of visitors to hit the max of my bandwidth within a day) but when i chk my statscounter, thats NOT the case! so very smart yet inconsiderate of me call the guy at near 12AM. i'm already so pissed that i couldn't bother about the timing then. Really testing my patience leh! it's really really NOT the first time messed up things like tt happens. sigh...

I've been wanting to chg another provider but i seriously have no idea which is good. And i'm already kinda used to YOC now. :( so i've decided to give them 1 last chance! if another big issue occurs again that i think i can no longer tolerate then THAT'S IT!


I'm really excited on this sat's shoot! Coz i loveee so many of the items this collection! really! mostly dresses and i've already paraded them to DD and he says nice too. seriously, he seldom giv positive remarks. ;) i'm very sure my model will look super nice in it too! :)) Will try to post up some behind-the-scene photos! We might be having a new model with us this Sat. Not firmed up yet but shall keep u guys updated! ;)


spend my weekends at changi chalet (sat) and friend's hse (sun) for my last CNY gathering!

went to the NSRCC Changi chalet and i really love it there! the inside looks modern and the beach is just a short distance away! there're 2 rooms with 4 beds in total and some dilam as well. haha.. no idea why there're dilams.. :P only managed to took a few pictures of the 1st floor. not the bedroom tho :(

It was a really fun night with DD and his bunch of khakis! 'Thumb-master' and Chang beer acc us thruout the night! hahah.. fun game but lousy drink. not a really a fan of Chang beer. the only survivors are me, DD, SQ and koon. tho koon went to slp at 6plus 7 (yes, in the morning) while e 3 of us proceed to the beach in hope of taking pics of the sun rise. but to no avail. :( All 3 of us were pretty shag from the beer so we went bck and slp for mere 1hr plus b4 chking out at 930am. :P

We're supposed to rch Cheryl's hse at 3pm. but we only manage to wake up at 3. hahahh.. prepared and cab down immed. yes, MJ! the gals played MJ while the guys played texas poker. i'm really pretty heng in MJ this yr but definitely not card game! i won ard $200plus in total for MJ this yr but lost back ALL in card games.. and even more i think. be it banluck, in between, texas or pairs.. sigh.. as usual, had a great great time with them! ;)) too bad we're so into our games that we did not tk a single photo. :(( how rare.. coz whenever out with the 3 of them (silvia, mimi & cheryl) we never failed to tk TONS of photos! lol~


i'm gonna change the outlook of The LaModa Closet. Received several feedbacks to make it simple and not so colourful would be more eye-catching. Well, there're just tooo many diff opinions ard. but i definitely appreciate every single one of it! Actually i prefer something simple and not too fanciful as well. so will start working on the website this few days! stay tune for a brand new look~ ;)

meeting up with ting at my plc for preparation of the shoot this sat! it's been really long since i last saw her! busy gal always travelling ard... nights all! ;)

*i think this pic is super damn cute!!! lol~*

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